Africa Fire Mission

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Nairobi, Kenya - May 2015

In May 2015, Dave and Nancy more traveled once again to Nairobi, Kenya to continue planning, preparing and raising support for the first ever All Kenya Fire Academy. During this trip, they had the opportunity to travel to the coastal area of Kenya to better understand the challenges facing emergency responders across Kenya. Upon returning to Nairobi, they once again met with the Kenyan Stakeholders to continue preparations for the training that would be conducted in November 2015.

Meetings were held at both Missions of Hope International's Pangani Center and the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. The Kenya National Fire Brigade Association coordinated a meeting of many of the senior chief fire officers from across the country at the Pangani Center. During this meeting, AFM lead a collaboration exercise among the officers to determine what were the greatest training needs for emergency responders in Kenya. As a result of these meetings, it was determined those topics were: Fire Prevention and Community Response, Fire Investigation, Urban Search and Rescue and Senior Leadership Development.

Together with the Kenyan Stakeholders, AFM continued to work with governmental agencies to raise the support and awareness needed to allow the emergency responders across Kenya to increase their capabilities to prevent and mitigate emergencies. Additionally, a new draft of the fire prevention curriculum was presented for review and feedback. This vital information was again incorporated into the program as it continues its process to acceptance, printing and distribution.