Africa Fire Mission

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AFM - Prayer Requests - Fall #2

Prayer Update

Thank you all for your ongoing prayers for our teams as we are serving in Zambia and Kenya these past 3 weeks.  We have two more weeks to go before we all head back to the States and we ask your prayers for our team members that have been here the entire time (Craig, Nancy, Brian and Dave).  They have all been working nearly non-stop.  Please pray for continued strength and health as the serve these final two weeks.  

We are grateful that so far we have had not major illnesses or injuries among our team.   Please pray this continues.  

Except for the 4 people listed above, our team from Zambia has returned to the US and Germany.  Please pray that they adjust back to life quickly and that the experience they just had makes a lasting and remarkable impact on them and those they served.

This week Nancy and a team of 3 other US social workers are providing training and encouragement to the MOHI social workers.   They have been busy learning about life in the Mathare Valley, visiting homes and building relationships.  Pray that their training happening the remainder of this week has long term and lasting impact on the social workers they are priviledged to serve along side this week.  

 On Wednesday of this week, our Kenya Fire Team  (15) begin their travel to Kenya.  Please pray for safe and easy travel as well as simple immigrations and customs clearances.  Also pray for protection against spiritual warfare that may be happening.  We see spiritual warfare in both large and small ways with each and every team that comes and this team is no exception.  

The Kenya Fire Team has three married couples as part of the trips.  Pray that this trip enriches their marriages and brings them closer to each other and to the Lord.

We ask you for specific prayer for one couple who lost their 5 day old son in September.  Through God's provision, the wife of this couple, who was not planning to be a part of the trip, is able to join her husband on this trip and they will be able to serve together as they grieve.  We also covet your prayers for our team members as we seek to serve and minister to this couple.

 During this trip, many partnerships have been grown as well as new ones created.  Please keep these partnerships in your prayers.  Partnerships and collaboration are a key piece of the success of AFM's work.  We look forward to growing these partnerships all the while knowing that partnering isn't always easy.   

 Thank you for your prayers!

Dave and Nancy