Africa Fire Mission

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Surprises at the Airport #afmkenya2019

We were stationed at the airport for our All Kenya Fire EMS Symposium and Competition 2019. One of the evenings, the airport Fire Chief arranged for our team to get passes to get an impromptu tour of the firehouse after we finished teaching. We did not think this could happen due to some of the other activities going on at the airport this week. This change put a crimp in the regular scheduled evening plans but who can pass up a firehouse tour right?

As we were pulling up to the firehouse, the siren sounded for an airport emergency. A plane was coming in from Lodwar to make an emergency landing due to a blown tire on take off. The plane decided to divert to JKIA instead of the small Wilson airport due to the crash rescue and repair services available at JKIA.

Being who we are, several of AFM team members managed to snag extra seats on the crash rescue trucks and the command car. The Chief even pulled a driver off of one of the other trucks and used 4 of our AFM guys to staff an extra crash rescue rig :)

We pulled out onto the taxiways and waited for the flight to arrive. 20 minutes later the plane landed safely and we chased it down the runway. It’s a rush doing 90 mph in a firetruck down a runway I have to tell you, but I digress. The plane pulled off into a revetment and we got out of the rigs to inspect the tires and make sure it was safe to unload the passengers. As we walked to the plane my phone rang. It was Tim Stewart, CMF international missionary to Missions of Hope International and friend. Low and behold he and his dad were on the plane and he saw us walking up.

After ensuring there was not going to be a fire, we unloaded plane. Tim and his dad Dan were the first off the plane. After bigs hugs all around with Tim and Dan and our team, they were loaded onto a bus and headed off to catch an Uber home - and to share their adventures with others.

Well, the day ended way different than we expected it to. Thankfully it ended safely and with a good story to tell.

-Dave Moore