Africa Fire Mission

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Looking Forward to 2023

Committed to increasing the sustainable capacity of  fire departments in developing communities 

December 2022 

Dear Friends and Partners, 

Thank you for your ongoing support of Africa Fire Mission. AFM is able to continue advancing its work with your generous support. 2022 has been another year of growth and service. This November, we celebrated our 10 year anniversary of our first trip to Kenya! Who could have imagined, on that mission trip in 2012, when Dave didn’t want to go, that Africa Fire Mission would have provided fire training programs, consultation and equipment in Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria and Ukraine!   We’ve impacted millions through our Fire Prevention initiatives!   (If you don’t know how we started – check out Our Story

We can’t do this work without you – By volunteering with us, praying for us and supporting our work financially, you are part of our team and our success!  AFM continues to have opportunities to expand our work in the areas we are already working and in new places.   In order take AFM to the next level, we need about $85,000 a year in new gifts which would allow us to add a full-time program person in the US and a full-time Fire Safety Advocate in Africa to support our growing programs.     

Would you consider becoming a monthly donor to AFM?  $25, $50 or $100 a month will make a big difference toward our goal.   Your year-end gift will also support our growth goal in 2023!  

Here are some highlights from our work in 2022.  

  • Team mission trips to Kenya, Malawi and Nigeria with over 600 firefighters and EMT's trained in the countries in which AFM is serving. 

  • 5 Training of Trainer’s in Community Fire Prevention.  

  • More than 40,000 community members trained in Community Fire Prevention by our Fire Safety Advocate, AFM volunteers and African Fire Fighters. 

  • More than 5 million children reached with our new Tochi and José Fire Prevention Show airing on Akili Kids Network in Kenya! 

  • New partnership in Nigeria with University of Maryland, School of Medicine and the Institute of Human Virology – Nigeria.  

Your financial gifts ensure that firefighters and other first responders are trained in effective firefighting strategies and emergency medical response.   That children and their parents know what to do to prevent fires and what to do if there is a fire. That firefighters have the advocacy training and equipment they need to protect their communities and that our mission partners have fire protection, and prevention tools for their facilities.   Thank you for impacting lives through fire department and communities in Africa. We appreciate your generous support and partnership.  

Wishing you have a blessed Christmas and Holiday Season, 

Nancy Moore, Co-Founder & Executive Director