
There are 4 fire stations in Malawi!

by Nancy Moore

We’d last been to Malawi in 2017 when Co-Founders Dave and Nancy Moore went on a vision trip. During that trip they worked to better understand the needs of the fire service and their dreams of the future as a better fire service. Lodious - the Fire Chief in Zomba, Malawi has a vision for Malawi’s fire service and made sure to share it with us.

Malawi has four fire stations - you read that right - four. For perspective land mass wise, Malawi is about the geographic size of Pennsylvania and there are four fire stations and less than 100 firefighters in the country. Firefighters are misunderstood by their community and under equipped to serve the communities where they are located. Firefighters are often stoned and ridiculed by the communities they are trying to serve.

AFM began looking for the right partner that could help us reach out and train the firefighters and the community across Malawi. Our friends at Namikango Mission were part of that next step, and something was missing. During conversations with Parkview Global, Orland Park, IL and their initiative for Peace Plan Malawi it became clear that we’d be able to partner with Peace Plan Malawi and reach the fire service across Malawi.

Finally, in June 2021, we were ready to travel with a team from Parkview to serve in Malawi. God provided a way for us to go even when the borders were closed to foreigners due to contacts in Malawi’s National Government and Department of Health.

While we were in Malawi, we we able to provide firefighter personal protective equipment to the Zomba Fire Brigade.


We were able to train firefighters from 3 of the 4 fire departments in the country (Mzuzu, Lilongwe, Zomba)! It was difficult to see the lack of equipment, the lack of PPE and the broken equipment. At one fire station there appeared to be 4 fire trucks - as we asked questions we learned that only one was in working condition.

We were able to pray for the firefighters and share God’s love with them as we conducted training on hose operations, using ladders, and search and rescue operations.

In Lilongwe, we found out that there were new Jaws of Life (Vehicle Extrication tools) that had been sitting in storage for over a year because no one knew how to operate them - and we were asked if we could teach them - YES! In a few days time we trained on the new equipment and it was able to be put into operation at vehicle accident scenes to save lives!

We are looking forward to what our work will look like in Malawi in the future and are planning to take a team of firefighters to serve in Malawi in June 2022!! Learn more about our mission trips here >

Partnership highlight - Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International

The Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International and Craig Duck - Missionary/President has been partnering with AFM since 2015. Their ministry has allowed AFM to provide bibles and devotional books to the Fire Service in Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, Zambia and Ukraine. Through FCFInternational, firefighter Chaplains have been trained in Zambia and weekly bible studies are taking place with firefighters in Kenya.

FCFInternational is currently having a membership drive. Firefighters - we encourage you to get involved to help FCFI continue their work! Memberships are $35/year and helps the ministry of both AFM and FCFI continue across the world!

Craig Duck gives this invitation: Would you like to see God glorified in the fire department He has called you to? Then FCFInternational wants you. February and March are our Recruitment and Retention Campaign. We are asking you to join our ministry and take the Gospel message to your department. There are several different levels you can sign-up for. The funds raised help us to produce the Encourager Magazine, place Bibles and devotion books in the hands of firefighters and in stations all across the world, and provide resources to help firefighters and first responders grow in their faith. Sign up today and make a difference in your department. For more information:

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