Silent Auction Donations

Thanks for considering a donation to our silent auction! Here are some ideas for your silent auction donation:

  • Gift from your business (gift cards, product, consultation, service)

  • A specialty item that you hand design or craft

  • Themed basket of your favorite things to do

  • Gift cards to your favorite restaurant

  • Tickets to an event

  • A weekend at your vacation home

  • Fire Antiques


Tell us about your donation:


About Africa Fire Mission’s Chama:

In 2013, Africa Fire Mission created our signature event: The Chama (Chama means party in the Swahili language).  The Chama has raised funds which in turn has trained thousands of firefighters and more than 60 million childrenand other community members to end the devastating impact that uncontrolled fire has on the lives, health and wellness of individuals and communities across Africa. 

The 2023 Chama will be held on October 14th at the historic Cincinnati Fire Museum in Cincinnati. We will celebrate education, networking and unprecedented community support for firefighters in Africa. Connecting with friends, delicious food and drink, showcasing the Cincinnati Fire Museum and our growing silent auction are all part of the Chama.

About Africa Fire Mission:

Africa Fire Mission is dedicated to increasing the sustainable capacity of communities and fire departments across developing communities.  Since 2012, the non-profit, safety training and capacity building organization has been a leader in providing life-saving community fire and burn prevention training and firefighter development across Africa and other parts of the developing world.

Firefighters from the Greater Cincinnati area, across the U.S. and Europe volunteer their talents and time to operate our various programs.  Africa Fire Mission has programs operating currently in: Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia and Malawi with new locations being added in the near future.  Programming in these areas include: Community Fire Prevention, Emergency Medical and Burn Care, Leadership Development, Basic Firefighting Skills, Firefighter Mental Health and Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives.