Nairobi, Kenya - January 2015

During Africa Fire Mission’s 2014 training endeavor to Nairobi, the Kenyan Stakeholders asked AFM to help them establish a country wide fire training academy and training curriculum. In January 2015, our Executive Director Dave Moore traveled back to Nairobi to continue development of this proposal. During the week, AFM met with emergency and disaster responders from across Kenya to gain their perspective and insight into creating such an academy. In partnership with the Kenyan Stakeholders, we also met with governmental agencies to gauge their input and potential levels of support for such an endeavor.

Stakeholders included municipal fire departments, the Kenya National Fire Brigades Association, St. John Ambulance, The Kenyan Red Cross, Kenya Airport Authority, Legend Impact Communications, National Disaster Management Unit, National Disaster Operations Center, Association of Fire Industry of Kenya, Missions of Hope International, local media and community members.

As a result of these meetings, it was mutually agreed that a weeklong training academy would be held in November of 2015 as a beginning to the longer process establishing a physical fire academy and curriculum. The Kenya Airports Authority agreed to host the training sessions at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya. Africa Fire Mission would coordinate instructors for 4 topics areas that were to be chosen by the consensus of the Kenya emergency responders. KENFIBA would coordinate with the response agencies across the entire country of Kenya to ensure they were all aware of this training opportunity and to manage registration for the 200 students this academy would train.

At the conclusion of these meetings, AFM presented a draft of a fire prevention curriculum aimed at reducing fire risk in the slum communities of Kenya to Missions of Hope International and the Nairobi City/County Fire Brigade for their review and feedback. Their input was recorded and presented back to the curriculum developers so that the program could be changed to better meet the needs of those who will receive the training.