Supporting Firefighters through PPE Donations

Africa Fire Mission is in need of gear donations to support firefighters across Africa!

Fire safety equipment technology advances at a fast rate. For this reason, it is important that firefighters regularly refresh their gear. In the United States, National Fire Protection Association codes dictate how long firefighter equipment can be used and when it needs to be replaced. The NFPA suggests that gear should be replaced every 10 years.

However, many firefighters around the world don’t have the luxury of new gear every 10 years. For this reason, Africa Fire Mission is asking for help from fire departments across the United States. Most gear is effective past the 10 year mark when kept in good condition. We are in need of a variety of gear donations to send to Africa and Ukraine later this year.

AFM is specifically looking for firefighter PPE such as coats, pants, hoods, helmets, boots, and gloves. Please check our Equipment Needs to see a full list of gear we can or cannot accept.

Thank you for your support!

If you know a fire department that has used gear that is still serviceable, please contact us! If the department is outside of the Greater Cincinnati area, we do need your help to get the equipment to Cincinnati. We are happy to brainstorm ways to get the equipment to us!