Fire Networking Africa

The Privilege to Drive the Big Red Truck

by Edward Collet

Jackson Township Fire Department Firefighter/EMT, Ohio; Ohio Fire Chiefs Association Water Supply Technical Advisory Committee Co-Chair

Safe Driving in the Fire Service

It seems not a day goes by without there being news of fire apparatus being involved in an accident.  Often firefighters and civilians are injured or killed.  The apparatus is always damaged to some extent either requiring minor repairs or putting it permanently out for service.   Some of these are truly accidents were the apparatus driver had not fault in the accident, yet many times the driver and officer have control of factors leading to an accident. 

Firefighting is one of the most trusted professions.  The day you earn the privilege to drive the big red truck, or whatever color the rig might be painted, your department entrusts you with very expensive and critical piece of equipment.  Your fellow firefighters and their families entrusts you to get them to the fire and back home safely.  The public entrusts you to get to the emergency without causing other crisis to address.  As the driver you have a huge responsibility.   How do you keep this trust and fulfill your responsibility?  Easy, check your apparatus and drive with due regard.

Anyone who has taken my class has heard my soapbox about safe driving, so here we go again.  There is absolutely no reason for firefighters to be injured and killed in accidents involving excessive speed and running through intersections.   Getting to the fire is not a race to see who gets there first.  Many have argued “we must drive fast because seconds count”.   Well what happens when seconds turn to minutes, turns to hours, turns to no one shows up because the fire department was in an accident.  Not much was gained by driving fast was it?  Speed is also the responsibility of the officer.  If the driver is going faster than you feel is safe make him slow down, you are the boss and ultimately responsible for the actions of your crew. 

Think about how you would feel if you had to visit the family of you brother or sister firefighter in the hospital, or worse, because your driving caused an accident.  Heavy things to think about, but it is the reality of being a driver.  If you do not drive carefully and defensively this could happen.  So how do we prevent this?  First is being familiar with your apparatus.  Engines and tender have a higher center of gravity than cars.  This means you cannot go around corners fast and they behave differently as you stop.  Fire apparatus are heavy and do not stop quickly.  Drive your apparatus when it is not an emergency to become familiar with how it handles. 

It is not enough to know your apparatus, you must drive like you are invisible to other drivers.  The fact is most drivers are distracted; listen to loud music, talking to passengers, talking on mobile phones, and even texting.  This means they will not see or hear you even with flashing lights and sirens.  We must drive like no one sees us and will not stop or get out of our way.  When you come to an intersection, stop until you make sure all traffic sees you and is stopped.  Even if you have the right-away, slow down before going through the intersection.   Even if cars pull over for you assume they will do something unexpected like pull out in front of you at the last second.

It is a great honor and responsibility to drive a piece of fire apparatus.  Do everything in your power to keep the trust given to you.  Know your apparatus, slow down, drive defensively, and pretend no one see you. 

Oh, I almost forgot.  When other drivers do not behave as they should in the presence of an emergency vehicle, stay calm and do your job in a professional manner.  Do not yell and gesture at other drivers.  I had an officer early in my career that would lean out the window and yell at drivers not getting out of the way.  Embarrassing, yes.  Unprofessional, yes.  Great way for the public to be mad at the fire department, yes.  Firefighters are supposed to embody what is best in society, so reflect that.

Stay safe and keep those in your apparatus safe.

Wildfire Preparedness Starts at Home


by Josh Bardwell

Texas A&M Forest Service Regional Fire Coordinator; West Mountain Volunteer Fire Department Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician

Wildfires occur on almost all of Earth’s continents (with the exception of Antarctica) affecting people no matter their culture, language, and social status. With humans living in rural and interface areas where wildfires occur, it is not a matter of if, but when the need to be prepared will be tested.

Firefighters can have all the funding, water, training and staffing in the world, but still encounter challenges with preserving life and property from wildfires. Unlike a structure fire or rubbish fire relegated to a specific area and under limited environmental effects, wildfires can have unlimited fuel and oxygen which can cause them to grow large and move under their own weather which can be challenging to combat. Firefighters stand a better chance of saving lives and property when the public has made the effort well in advance of a fire even occurring. Prevention and preparedness programs are critical to educating and encouraging the public to take some responsibility in being part of the wildfire solution. Preventing fires is critical, but the public’s knowledge and ability to make their homes and communities less susceptible to wildfire damage is equally crucial.

Basic things that can be done now can make all the difference in the world.

·      Create defensible space around homes/buildings

·      Use fire resistant construction

·      Improve access for emergency responders

·      Have an action plan: 


Sometimes it takes a friendly face or mascot for people to form an emotional bond with, which helps get the message across. In 1944, the United States Forest Service created the beloved Smokey Bear as a charismatic mascot that captured the attention of children and adults. His message has had minor verbiage changes over the years but nearly every American adult and child can recite his motto of “Only YOU can prevent wildfires.” Smokey Bear’s website is chocked full of wildfire prevention and safety tips for adults and children that is pertinent to people globally:

As firefighters, we are mission driven to put fires out and save the day, but we must recognize our limitations. In my area of rural East Texas, 90% of our firefighters are volunteers and the expectations of the public we serve expect prompt and professional service. In order to maximize our effectiveness, we have to engage our communities with education and resources. 

The better prepared the residents of our community are before a wildfire occurs, the better our chances of success in combating a wildfire are with minimizing losses. When the community takes a proactive approach to wildfire mitigation and personal planning, the more effective we all are a cohesive team!

Using Good Fire to Improve Ecology and Reduce Hazard Fuels

By Jonathan Thomas

Jonathan is an AFM volunteer instructor and most recently participated in #afmvirtual2020; is works for the U.S Forest Service as a Wildlife Biologist


Wildfires do more than threaten our communities, destroy crops, and run-away wildlife, which might supplement some of our food, the fires help the ecology.   Over the many years before we began to strive diligently to stop wildfires from burning up our resources and threatening our homes, fires burned of a large area of the landscaped uncheck by nothing but nature.  These fires often during high periods of fire danger were not as destructive as we see in fires today. The reason fires then were so less destructive was due to the frequent burning that was happening, these fires continually burned up the hazard fuels allowing both fresh undergrowth to come back and be nurtured on the fresh ash.  The fires then before we humans decided to stop the natural wildfires were often less destructive and lead to a healthier ecosystem.    Well let us step into today and talk wildfires today.  Today wildfires are extremely more destructive and growing into the megafires of the past, despite us, firefighters’ best efforts.  The reason for this is due in no small part to hazard fuel build up across the landscape.   I remember the old saying in the United States, “Keep em’ Small, and catch them in 24.”   The saying often used around my agency was meant to keep a fire as small as possible and do our best to have contained the fire in 24 hours.  This philosophy, although going out the door by the time I started, was what lead to our problems, but the agency decided to help solve this huge buildup of hazard fuels and to improve ecology by putting needed fire back on the ground.   

Here is what presents it problem how to put fire on the ground to improve ecology.  To address this issue the fire staff looks at the multiple factors on where and when to put fire on the ground.   First is to find a place that needs hazard fuel reduction and some burning to help improve ecology, (Ask any farmer as they burn their fields to improve production) once an area is determined the fire staff generally starts building control lines same as a wildfire, except they work to exclude infrastructure and any ecological sensitive areas from the fire.  After that the fire staff has to go out and watch the weather, do determine the best time to burn, when fuel conditions provide the best opportunity to maintain control over the fire while also allowing the fire to consume the fuel build up. 

Then comes the impact from the prescribed fire to the local community and to the people working the fire.  The community must be informed of what is happening and why, as seeing smoke start popping up can cause panic.  Also the folks on the ground need both training and a understanding of the different aspects of everything happening that day, from ignition patterns, weather information, safety zones, pressure lines, holding forces, and who and where everyone is along with their role on the fire.   

Successful prescribed fires bring good fire back on the landscape by reducing fuel buildup all while improving the ecology of an area.  Studies and experience have shown that good fires slow or stop the bad fires that we are all used to trying to stop.  Good fire also renews the ecosystem and allows for it’s dead and down to be returned to the soil to promote fresh new vegetation that improves the ecosystem.  Good fire is something we must look into not only to help the ecosystem dependent on natural fires to return nutrients to the soil and clear away old build up but also to reduce hazard fuels making firefighters and communities safer.   

There is no “I” in leader - Leadership in the Fire Service

by: Deputy Chief, Howard Cohen - Bennington, Vermont

Howard has been volunteering with AFM since 2020.   He is the Chaplain and Deputy Chief of the Bennington Fire Department in Vermont.   Additionally, Howard is a Rabbi and Life Coach.   


There is no “I” in leader - Leadership in the Fire Service

Around firehouses all over the world, and translated into many different languages, one will hear the phrase “there is no I in team.”  Every firefighter knows that we work together as a team when we are combating our universal enemy, out of control fire.  We even have a name for the firefighter who thinks s/he can do it on their own.  We call them rogue firefighters.  Similarly, when it comes to leadership every team needs to  have leaders, there is “no I in leader.”  A leader is always part of the team.  

Leadership is an earned privilege.  A title does not make a leader.  A title gives you authority and a specific set of responsibilities. As firefighters we are trained to work within a command structure.  We do what we are instructed to do.  A leader, however, motivates and inspires his/her team members to work together toward a common goal.  A leader challenges and inspires us to grow as a person and as a firefighter.

There are many qualities good leaders share.  These include, dependability, reliability, empathy, good listening skills, patience, good communication skills, creativity, positivity, and an ability to teach and mentor.  Above all, a leader must be a person of integrity and vision.  Not every leader is equally strong in all these areas.  But every leader has strong skills in at least some of these areas. 

Leadership also involves a set of skills.  Anyone who is interested and motivated can learn leadership skills.  However, knowing how to use these skills is no different than learning any other set of skills. It requires practice, practice and more practice.  Contrary to what some people like to believe, no one is a born leader.  Leaders arise out of a combination of circumstances such as a situation that requires leadership, cultivation of leadership skills and the awareness that this is now your moment to step up and lead.

So how does one acquire leadership skills?  The same way one learns any new set of skills. Find yourself a teacher or mentor.  Read leadership books.  Take leadership training courses. Finally, practice, practice and practice some more, your new skills.  Even if you do not aspire to a leadership role within your department, developing the essential skills of a leader will make you a better and stronger team member. There is no downside to cultivating your leadership potential.

There is also another, less formal way, to nurture your leadership potential.  It is actually a thought exercise. Think of three to five leaders you admire.  These leaders can come from all walks of life and they do not even need to still be living.  You just need to admire their leadership abilities.  Once you have identified these three to five, people ask yourself, “what leadership qualities of these leaders do I admire the most?”  Now seek out ways to develop those same skills within yourself. 

To sum up, effective leadership is about simple things like being a good listener, being honest, trustworthy, humble and recognizing one’s role on the team - how interact with and impact others.  At the end of the day, if your actions inspire others to do more, to be better, and to learn more then you are a leader.

Using Water Efficiently to Put Out Fire

by Edward Collet

Jackson Township Fire Department Firefighter/EMT, Ohio; Ohio Fire Chiefs Association Water Supply Technical Advisory Committee Co-Chair


Using Water Efficiently to Put Out Fire

The question of what to do when water is limited has plagued firefighters since the first bucket of water was thrown on a fire.  Early on the full bucket of water was used no matter how many more were available.  All available resources were used to extinguish the fire as fast as possible.  Even before science told us about the need to match the thermal energy released by the fuel with the energy absorption of water, early firefighters knew a big fire needed a lot of water.  Over time firefighters became hesitant to ever run out of water fearing they would look bad.  This lead to low pressure, low flow nozzles (high pressure low flow is another topic) and smaller hose, often a 1” (25mm) “red” line from a hose reel being the weapon of choice to fight most fires.   Fire departments stopped running out of water, but fires burned longer and more property was destroyed. 

All fires go out, they either run out of fuel and/or oxygen, or enough heat is absorbed by water to lower the temperature below the ignition temperature.  The question we must ask ourselves as firefighters is “are we overwhelming the fire with water to cool it or is the fire consuming fuel till the energy is low enough for our stream to extinguish the flames.”  If we are effective in our job, we will put enough water on the fire to absorb all the energy being released and maybe a little more so we are the ones putting out the fire.

I experienced this dilemma first hand.  A call came in for a garage on fire during one of our monthly trainings.  Something like this never happens, a fire when there are enough people at the station to put two fully manned engines, a squad, and the tender on the road.  Unfortunately, the tender was at the other station requiring two firefighters to drive to the station on the north side of the township to retrieve it.  The fire was on the south side of the township, so it would be some time before the extra 3000 gallons (11,356 liters) of water arrived.  Until then we would have to make due with 1,000 gallons (3,786 liters) on one engine and, 1250 gallons (4,731 liters) on the other.  While we were still a distance from the scene a glow could be seen on the horizon letting us know this was a major fire.  When we arrived, command instructed both engines to pull quick attack monitor and hit the fire.  Our quick attack monitor flows 500 gallons (1,900 liters) a minute so our water was gone in roughly 2 minutes.  But the fire was knocked down from a massive inferno to a minor fire.  The building was already a loss when we arrived but using all our water to overwhelm the fire helped to protect nearby exposures.  Had we been worried about looking bad by running out of water a couple 1 ¾” attack lines would have been pulled to put 300gpm (1,135lpm) on a fire needed over 750gpm (2,840 lpm) to quench it.  The fire would have burned much longer placing exposures in greater danger.   

Use the water you have to put the greatest portion of fire out as fast as possible.   Firefighters must apply water in quantities great enough to overwhelm the fire; otherwise we are just wasting water waiting for the fire to burn down to match our fire flows.   Always ask, am I putting out the fire or is the fire burning down to meet my flow.  

It may seem counter intuitive to use higher flows when water will run out compared to using low flow and conserving water.  Putting more water on the fire will put it out faster and protect the exposures.  Train on techniques to stream application to become more proficient at using the available water.  

Stay safe, train hard, and always ask is there a better way to do the job. 

Media and the Role of a Public Information Officer

By Chief Robert Rielage, retired

Chief Rielage is the former State Fire Marshall of Ohio and Fire Chief of Wyoming Ohio. He currently serves the community of Colerain Township, Ohio.

Media and the Role of a Public Information Officer

Have you ever wondered after a really serious fire, why your fire department has not gotten the credit that it deserved for doing a great job of controlling the fire and its spread to other areas?

After a mass casualty incident, whether a major automobile accident, a mass shooting, or a civil unrest where your department played a critical role in medical patient care, have you wondered why credit was not given to the fire department or even worse that no member of the fire department even took part in the press conference?

The answer may be that your department needs to have a Public Information Officer (PIO) – a person authorized by the Chief Fire Officer to make statements to the news media on the roles you play at major fires or medical incidents.  This person must know what can and what cannot be released to the press, but is authorized to comment and give details on the contributions your fire department made by delivering timely professional services to those affected by the incident.

What does a PIO do?  Here is a brief list that can help raise the awareness of the public that you do far more than fighting fires:

1)    In most cases, the PIO is a regular firefighter or fire officer with an outgoing, and friendly nature; the ability to write a simple press release, collect the email addresses or twitter accounts to send releases to news outlets or reporters, and to be able to speak clearly and precisely in front of a camera. (That comes with practice and can be learned – you just have to try)

2)    Being the official spokesperson on major fires, motor vehicle accidents or other emergency incidents who explains the role or roles that the fire service provided.

3)    Being properly dressed when acting as the PIO, either in a uniform or your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including at minimum your helmet and turnout coat.

4)    To issue timely fire safety messages in advance of holidays or other celebrations that may bring an increase in fires or other safety hazards to the general public. 

5)    To convey regular safety messages using social media, and keeping the public informed via a – Facebook, Twitter, or other platforms in the name of the fire department.  Examples may be posting after visiting a school to instruct students on safety, or just covering a training session showing firefighters practicing their skills.

6)    Sending out a press release on any honors given to the department or individuals for outstanding service such as a Firefighter of the Year recognition.

7)    To build relationships with other governmental departments, outside agencies such as the Red Cross, hospitals, faith-based organizations and other community or civic agencies interested in the safety or welfare of citizens.

While this may sound like a significant amount of additional work, once the PIO has established his or her self with these individuals or groups, the interaction becomes almost second nature.

By way of example, here is a video of Fire Lieutenant Jonathan Baxter after a recent significant fire along the wharf in San Francisco, California. The fire lieutenant’s comments start at @ 1:16 minute mark, end at 4:40, and then he comes back at @ 8:38 minutes until it concludes. Note as well, his several references to the department’s postings on social media that help explain the tactics deployed at this fire.

Please look at his appearance - he’s dressed in his PPE; his demeanor – very friendly, informative and knowledgeable; and the way he answers questions – by first repeating the question and then giving the answer in clear and concise statements.

What steps can you improve the image of the fire department in your area?   

Volunteer Highlight - Cyrus Kalemunguruk

By José Ngunjiri, AFM Fire Safety Advocate, Nairobi, Kenya

The late Elbert Hubbard used to say: “if you want anything done, asks a busy man to do it.” Cyrus Kalemunguruk is that man. Selfless, dedicated and loves to serve God’s people. Cyrus is among the instructors who took me under their wing when I was in fire training school and trained me to be a firefighter. 

In December 2020, Cyrus agreed to volunteer his time to support Africa Fire Mission as we worked to advance firefighter trainings on how to conduct basic community fire prevention sessions. (crawling under smoke, stop drop and roll, calling the fire brigade amongst other lessons) Check out AFM’s fire prevention curriculum  

Cyrus was a true teammate.   He provided instruction in a professional manner and his contribution will be contributing to the fire service in Africa for years to come. 

During the training, a fire call came in and we were asked to join the firefighters who were on duty. It had been a long time since I rode in a fire truck. Cyrus sprung up and become the mentor I relied on in school. He reminded me to buckle up, to check the breathing apparatus and also to follow his instructions as soon as we reached the fire scene. It was a tough call. However, the calmness of Cyrus Kalemunguruk made me work with ease. 

Working with volunteer Cyrus is always an awesome experience. Thank you Cyrus for volunteering!

AFM continues to grow dedicated volunteers to serve!!! If you are interested in volunteering in your community, contact your local fire brigade.


The New Normal:  Virtual Fire Training Symposium 

Errol Sianga, ICT Fire and Rescue, Kenya

14 December 2020

The year 2020 began on an extremely high gear and as in previous years, I was looking forward to having a great and wonderful experience in the world of firefighting.  Suddenly the world was hit by the strange virus known as the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19) that affected and infected many people and countries making the whole world come to a standstill because of the rapid spread and highly contagious virus.

Traveling was impossible and social gatherings were also not happening.  Everyone was restricted and advised to STAY AT HOME, wash their hands with soap and water, sanitize as well and not forget to put on their mask, so that became the NEW NORMAL.

Life took a different turn in which I had to adjust my way of life. The coronavirus was spreading like a wildland fire.  I was trying to be safe and at the same time many countries were trying to figure out what type of a virus it is and the rush to come up with a vaccine started.

At this point, Africa Fire Mission began weekly VIRTUAL classes that were being held each Wednesday.  The weekly virtual classes were very informative and very refreshing. As the weekly classes were ongoing that is when the major announcement was made for the AFM VIRTUAL FIRE TRAINING SYMPOSIUM that was going to be held in the month of NOVEMBER from 16th-20th.  I was so excited and very anxious and looking forward to attending my first ever virtual symposium ever.   So, we were urged to register for the class through GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

The virtual symposium was very exciting with great and very knowledgeable instructors and wonderful reading materials. The sessions were very engaging and not forgetting the HOMEWORK part that was a good indicator to gauge how well I understood the subject and the content being delivered.

The awesome experience I gained from the symposium was a unique one and a memorable one in my firefighting career.  It was also a great networking platform. I have been sharing with my friends and colleagues the materials that I got from the symposium and the notes that I gathered from the symposium. I am looking forward to next year and more virtual training from Africa Fire Mission.


Be Wise about Maintenance

By: Brian E. Burkhardt; Chaplain, Retired Greenfield Firefighter/Paramedic, City of Greenfield Fire Territory Indiana, USA.

Our job as a firefighter, engineer, officer and commander is hard enough without having equipment failure.  We can prevent many of these failures by preventive, continuous and routine maintenance.  We know how hard it is when we cannot respond because our apparatus is out of service. We also do not provide the proper level of service to our community. Here’s a simple and useful system to follow and implement:

Be WISE.  

W- Walk around the apparatus.

I- Inspect the apparatus.

S- Start and run all the systems.

E- Operate all the Equipment.  

Let’s look at each letter on an individual level.

W - Walking around the apparatus we can tell if there are any major problems. Is there a leak of fluid, a smell or odor, a sound, or anything that was not there the last time we operated the apparatus.  During this walk around we are using not just our eyes but all of our senses to look for issues to address.

I - Inspection of the apparatus.  This is when we start looking at all the systems individually.  Checking the systems before we operate them is an important step.  We need to check all the fluids and belts. We want to check all the possible areas of failure before we start the equipment.  

S - Start and operate each system. Drive train, Pump, Emergency warning system, Doors, Windows, Compartment doors.

E - Operate all Equipment. If it has moving parts, operate them. It if runs, start it. If it requires fuel or oil check and fill them, If you find a problem or it does not work. Fix it or mark it out of service and notify the person in charge that can get it fixed.  

Note that we need to keep a journal of the maintenance we preform and any problems we find.  This can help us recognize failures that occur more than once.  When you journal, list the date, time, and who was performing the apparatus check. If you fix repair or remove something from service document it.

Only document facts not opinions. This journal is where your are going to look in the future to see if there is a common problem that occurs on a regular time schedule or after a common emergency.  

If you have a maintenance program, review and update it at least once a year. If you do not have a program it is never to late to start!  

Please post any thoughts or comments about this article on the AFM Africa Firefighters Networking page:

Conducting Regular Training at your Fire Station

by Jon Seastone

Jon is a structural and wildland firefighter with the Denver Fire Department, Colorado. Jon has been training with AFM since 2017 in Kenya.

Company training is of vital importance to fire crews. Small problems often happen during fire calls and company training can help to minimize those problems and prevent small problems from becoming big problems. Laziness and complacency is a recipe for disaster when an overwhelming emergency call rears its ugly head. Company training also develops camaraderie betweens firefighters and builds teamwork. Because firefighters took the time to train prior to arriving at a fire scene, fire companies will have a sense of what their fellow crew members will do, sometimes without the need to verbally communicate the actions. Firefighters who regularly train together feel like they can “read each other’s minds” during incidents because drilling causes a team to move as one force. For these reasons, daily company drills and training is of vital importance.

Company training does not have to be a grueling or extensive process. It can be as simple as taking one item off the truck and becoming familiar with it or driving around your response district and familiarizing the company with buildings and target hazards. Being deliberate and disciplined in doing daily training becomes a habit and continuously develops knowledge within a firehouse.

When firefighters are sleep deprived, fatigued, hungry or distracted by other parts of our life, we must depend on our training as a foundation to help push through when our mind may not be operating at maximum levels. By running through scenarios and putting hands on equipment, we develop muscle memory that will take over in times of stress. We can then build on these scenarios and find additional “outside the box” scenarios or possible plans “B” and “C” if plan A fails.

During company drilling equipment is taken out and checked, and used for training, then cleaned and put back in service. Often, problems with the equipment may be discovered and can be resolved prior to an incident. It is best to immediately remove damaged or non working equipment from service till the issue has been resolved or the equipment has been repaired. It’s a very empty feeling to be in the middle of an emergency call and have an equipment fail that might have been discovered had the equipment been used for training. 

Company training and drilling require intentionality. Every firefighter can step up and come up with training to pass onto others. Senior firefighters need to be deliberate about training with younger, less experienced firefighters. These more senior members can pass on stories and experiences that are invaluable in giving younger firefighters the knowledge of past calls and experiences that they can use as preparation for future emergencies that they might encounter. Senior firefighters are the leaders within the firehouse that can encourage others to take the reigns and pass along knowledge thereby making the fire service better in the future. The best thing a senior firefighter can do when faced with a question or scenario is be humble enough to say,”I don’t have an answer, but let’s try to figure it out together.”  They can lead by example by being the hardest workers in the firehouse.

The fire service is built on “never stop learning” mentality. It does not necessarily mean that departments must reinvent the wheel; but instead build on previous foundations and find new ways to accomplish tasks. The responsibility does not always fall on the chief or upper management. Although the Chief does have some culpability when it comes to training, training and drilling has been and will continue to start at the lowest level of the fire service, in other words with the firefighters.  

Here are some examples of drills/training that firefighters can do in their own area:

  • Practice rescuing each other using drags and carries. What will you do if you have to rescue each other out of a building or a window? What if you have rescued a civilian in the same ways?

  • Have a discussion about the types of buildings within your response areas. What are some target hazards or places that could be exceptionally dangerous for firefighters and how will you respond to those hazards? Discuss and plan possible responses within your company.

  • If you carry ropes on your truck, pull those off and tie knots with each other. Teach each other useful knots that you know but maybe the firefighter next to you might not. When you are done, check the rope for damage.

  • Practice throwing ladders to various buildings and techniques for taking victims down the ladder.

  • Practice searching for people or following a hose pipe in the firehouse while blindfolded to use your other senses in case you can’t see during a fire.

  • Watch videos of firefighter training from all over the world and then try it yourself to see if it works for you. 

These are only a few examples. What are your ideas?   Add your ideas to the AFM networking group because we can all learn from each other!

Recommendations to Keep Your Workplace Safer During the COVID-19 Pandemic

by: Brad Banz- Retired Fire Chief, Colwich Fire Dept., Retired Captain Wichita Fire Dept.

Greetings! I pray that everyone is doing ok right now.  I would like to share some ideas on what first responders should be doing around their workplaces to keep themselves safer from COVID-19.  Although things are starting to relax in some areas, this doesn’t mean we can let down our guard, as the virus has not suddenly left and will continue to be a part of our lives for some time to come.  Many first responders live with each for an extended period of time, especially firefighters.  That’s why it’s so important that we do what we can to keep from sharing COVID-19 if one of us is unfortunate enough to contract it.  Some of the things I’m about to share may seem basic -  and I am sure many of you are already following many of the ideas.  The purpose of this article is to stimulate thinking and help you as responders to come up with some new ideas if you haven’t thought of them.  Please feel free to share other ideas in your response as well.

Probably one of the easiest things we can do is handwashing.  Everyone should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  Don’t use the same bar of soap and don’t share the same towel to dry with.  Because first responders make frequent contact with the public, they should also wash their hands after contacting the public.  If possible, keep hand sanitizer on your vehicles.  

Next, lets discuss habits in our quarters.  The first item I would like to discuss is social distancing.  This may be the hardest for firefighters to comply with, because most firefighters love to interact socially.   We need to take steps to minimize the number of firefighters in each space so as to comply with social distancing requirements.  The solution to this would be to move activities to a larger area, outdoors perhaps.  Keeping our quarters clean and sanitary should also be important – washing bedding and towels frequently.  Take the time to clean and sanitize areas, especially surfaces with a disinfectant solution at least once a day, and preferably more.  This should occur in the bedrooms, toilet facilities, showers, kitchen, common areas and officer.  Finally, keep contaminated PPE away from common crew areas such as sleeping and eating areas and decontaminate it as soon as possible after responding to a medical emergency.

Although we are public servants and need to make ourselves accessible to the public, in these times we also have to be careful to protect ourselves, while still providing some type of public access.  We must make it clear to the public that any visits to a fire brigade/fire department facility must be for business or emergency purposes only.  The members of the public who are visiting must be required to wear a mask or be issued one upon entering.  Only a limited number of visitors should be allowed into the facility, and then only to a restricted area. 

Finally, training is one of the most important things that firefighters do.  Reading these posts may be a part of your training.  Sometimes our hands on training requires us to do things that put us into situations that break social distancing guidelines.  Station officers and chiefs, we know how important it is to have good, comprehensive training for your crews.  Right now, however, please try to plan your training so that your firefighters are doing activities which won’t compromise their health.  There are still plenty of drills which can be conducted that don’t require your firefighters to be in close proximity to one another.  

    To summarize, we started off by discussing a basic but simple concept:  handwashing.  Next we talked about some things we could do in our quarters to help keep them cleaner.  Restricting public access is important, and finally we wrapped up by making suggestions for changing training requirements.  As I stated, many of these things may be already implemented by you already.  Please feel free to share ideas you have with the group.