Fire Prevention

Firefighter Physical Fitness

by Howard Cohen

Firefighting is a dangerous and physically demanding job. Firefighters operate in harsh and challenging environments, use heavy, hard-to-handle tools, and wear many kilos of protective gear. We need to keep ourselves in great shape to do our jobs. This means we must care for ourselves through proper nutrition and hydration, physical exercise, and sufficient rest. This is what is minimally required to properly and safely perform our jobs.

If you stop and think about it, what is the one “tool” every firefighter uses at every call? It’s our body. We depend on our bodies for all aspects of firefighting. In this sense, firefighters are like elite athletes. While we may not have to jump, sprint, or throw a ball, we are often required to crawl, drag, or haul awkwardly shaped heavy objects in extreme heat conditions that greatly tax our cardiovascular systems. But there are important differences too. Elite athletes generally perform under optimal conditions. Firefighters respond to calls during the worst weather conditions. Elite athletes typically get a good night’s sleep before their big events. First responders are often woken up multiple times during the night. Elite athletes eat a well-balanced meal with regard to their upcoming sporting event. First responders' meals are often rushed, gobbled on the run, or interrupted by calls. However, the biggest difference is that it is all about winning or losing for elite athletes. What’s on the line for firefighters is often life or death; yours, your fellow firefighters, or a civilian’s.

The good news is that achieving a firefighter's operational level of physical fitness is not hard. However, it does require a commitment to exercise regularly. There are many great ways to hone your fitness level. If you can access YouTube, search for a type of workout that appeals to you. You will discover many free options to choose from.  Ideally, your workouts will include strength training with weights or whatever heavy objects you have available to you and cardiovascular exercises, such as lunges, jumping jacks, running, climbing stairs, or any activity that gets your heart rate up. You don’t need a specific or fancy program to get in good workouts. All you need is to make a personal commitment to move your body and get your heart pumping. Any well-rounded program will benefit you in all aspects of fitness.

A good workout routine for first responders ideally includes four types of exercises.

1) Active movement exercises

2) Strength building

3) HiiT: High Intensity Interval Training

4) Deadlifts

Active movement: Exercises such as Bear Crawls, Mountain Climbers, or Spider Lunges engage nearly every muscle group and build core and cardiovascular strength and agility. Their primary purpose is to improve mobility.

Strength Building (Dumbbells): If you have them, dumbbells are preferable to barbells for first responder strength training because they allow for a greater range of motion and enhance overall muscle stabilization and activation. Dumbbells also help identify and eliminate strength imbalances by forcing the limbs to work unilaterally. If one side is significantly weaker than the other, there's no way to compensate.  They are safer to use if you are working out alone. Finally, there is no limit to how you can use them in your workout.

HiiT: High-Intensity Interval Training: HiiT workouts consist of bursts of intense activity followed by short rest periods. They provide the most benefits in the least amount of time. The advantages of HiiT workouts include burning calories quickly, improving cardiovascular health, and enhancing metabolic function. Additionally, a HiiT workout increases muscle mass and effectively improves overall fitness levels.

Deadlifts: There is a tendency to think that deadlifts are just when you bend over and lift a heavy weight.  In fact, there are many variations of the deadlift. They include squats, lunges, single leg deadlifts, suitcase squats and farmer walks. All are excellent exercises for building stronger Legs, core grip, and lower back strength.

There are no downsides to exercising and being physically fit. Physical fitness has been shown to prevent or treat various chronic health conditions resulting from unhealthy lifestyles, and it even counters certain aspects of the aging process. Studies indicate that regular exercise strengthens the heart and, when combined with a healthy diet, can reduce the risk of cancer and enhance the immune system. Being physically fit also helps lower the risk of injuries that can hinder your ability to work. Sometimes, firefighters overlook that physical fitness involves more than just working out; it also requires taking care of your body through proper nutrition, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and avoiding or limiting harmful substances like alcohol, recreational drugs, or tobacco.

The biggest obstacle to sticking with a fitness plan is boredom. Therefore, it is important for you to find or create a routine that holds your interest. Mix it up too. Don’t do the same workout day after day. Work out with a friend or your other brigade crew members. Make it fun. To the extent your schedule permits, making your fitness program a fixed and regular part of your daily routine is also helpful. Some people like to get their workouts in early in the morning. This way, no matter how the rest of the day unfolds, it’s a good day because you got your workout in. Other people like to work out at the end of the day. This way, they figure they have something to look forward to no matter what kind of day they are having. I get my workout in every morning after having two cups of black tea and reading the headlines in the paper. After my workout, I’m ready for whatever is coming my way.

In conclusion, this article aims to inspire you to find and commit to a personal fitness program that excites and motivates you. Honor your body—after all, it is the home of your holy soul. Now get moving and get your heart pumping!

If you want to learn more about fitness training for first responders, I recommend this article. If you would like to learn more about cancer prevention for firefighters, read this recent AFM blog post.

Howard A. Cohen was a volunteer firefighter for 20 years. He began his firefighting career as a chaplain and retired as the deputy chief. He is currently AFM’s online program content director. He frequently presents for the weekly virtual trainings and contributes to the AFM blog.

Department Standardized Training

by Jeremy Ayers

It is often heard that fire departments operate differently across shifts and stations. This variation arises from differences in managerial styles and the emphasis placed on training. While diverse leadership styles can be beneficial, as they bring unique experiences and perspectives that help tackle various challenges, consistency in certain areas is crucial—particularly in training. Standardized training ensures minimal gaps in capabilities between shifts, fostering operational efficiency, and safety.

In the face of national challenges in recruiting and retaining firefighters, many departments are increasingly relying on overtime. This trend exacerbates capability gaps since different crews may prioritize distinct areas of training. When overtime personnel are assigned to shifts, they often have not trained with the regular crew throughout the year. This creates a significant challenge for company officers, who cannot feasibly address all high-risk, low-frequency scenarios during a single shift with temporary personnel.

Standardized training can help departments work together better.

Training and education are the foundation of the fire service. Therefore, it is imperative for departments to communicate a unified training agenda that ensures all personnel receive consistent, high-quality instruction. To address this need, the Pflugerville Fire Department (Travis County ESD2) has prioritized high-risk, low-frequency training by forming specialized training teams. These teams undergo advanced training throughout the year and deliver that knowledge to the entire department. They achieve this by visiting stations, conducting multi-company scenarios, or providing materials for officers to facilitate training sessions.

These specialized training programs cover essential topics such as vehicle rescue, swift water rescue, technical rescue, and Vent-Enter-Isolate-Search (VEIS). The key benefit of this approach is that all personnel, regardless of shift or station, receive the same foundational training annually. This consistency has led to notable success stories, demonstrating the positive impact of these initiatives on community safety.

One such example occurred late one night around 1:00 a.m., when the department was dispatched to a structure fire with a victim visibly trapped and hanging out of a window. The unit was recognized for its rapid rescue, with it only taking a few minutes from arrival to rescue the victim from a third-floor window without delays.

The truck was staffed with a lieutenant acting as captain, a probationary firefighter, a senior driver, and a relatively new firefighter. Remarkably, half of the crew members were from different shifts or stations. Despite this, they performed cohesively and at a high level, throwing a ladder to the third floor, masking up, and safely removing a victim from the window. This underscores the importance of VEIS training, which equipped all crew members with recent, standardized skills to handle such critical situations. Members were presented with similar training months before the incident occurred that outlined comparable rescue conditions.

Standardized training can help difficult emergency responses, like rescue operations, easier.

From the community’s perspective, firefighters are seen as a unified team ready to address emergencies, regardless of their individual roles or experience levels. For example, the probationary firefighter performed at a high level, and anyone observing from the outside would not have been able to tell he was the newest firefighter because of his prompt critical decision-making. To meet these expectations, firefighters must train rigorously and prepare for high-risk scenarios.

Jeremy Ayers is an Apparatus Specialist with the Pflugerville Fire Department (Travis County ESD2), where he has proudly served since 2020. Pflugerville Fire Department is a career agency serving approximately 150,000 residents with eight stations and responding to around 14,000 calls annually.

Additionally, he actively contributes to the department’s recruiting, mentorship, peer support, and honor guard team. Jeremy is an advocate for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.

Jeremy holds a Fire Officer designation from the Center for Public Safety Excellence and an associate’s degree in Fire Protection Technology from Austin Community College. Jeremy earned his bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Texas A&M Commerce and his Master’s degree in Public Affairs with a concentration in Public Administration from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Bush Fires

by Brad Fiore

Just like any other fire, there are two main strategies in fighting bush fires: Direct and indirect. Topography, fuel types, and resources may vary between the US and Africa, but the basic tactics are the same. In a direct attack, we remove either the oxygen or the heat, and in an indirect attack, we remove the fuel.

The best tool we have for fire extinguishment is water. Unfortunately, a lot of times, the fire is in an area that makes it difficult to get water to. Hand tools play a significant role in fighting bush fires. The basic types are cutting, digging, scraping, and smothering tools.

In a direct attack removing the oxygen is accomplished by smothering the fire. We can throw dirt on the burning material or pat small flames out with our tool. I’ve seen fire flappers used to beat the flames of large bushes. I am not familiar with how well this works, but from another point of view, in North America, our flappers are smaller, and we use them on small creeping fires. The technique is to drag the flapper over the burning material, maybe using a slight patting motion. Beating a fire uses a lot of energy in one concentrated area. It also seems that embers are kicked up into the air, which could start a spot fire. Other tools, such as hoes and fire rakes, can all be used to pat out small flames.

Smoke coming from trees can be a sign of a potential bush fire.

When you use water to remove the heat, use it sparingly and wisely. Always walk in line with the fire, spraying water along the fire edge. This will make your water work smarter. Any water that bounces will bounce into the flames ahead. If you stand perpendicular to the fire, the overspray and bounce will fall into the already burned area, wasting that water. It doesn’t take a lot of water to douse the flames, so attaching a low-volume nozzle to your hose will extend your water.

The indirect attack is more labor intensive, but provides a safer environment for the firefighters. The indirect attack is the process of cutting a fire line around the fire. You and your team will be cutting and scraping away the fuel so that when the fire reaches the fire line, there is nothing there to burn.

Tools for this are anything you can use to cut through the ground material and dig down to the soil. Hoes and rakes made for this are great, but a garden hoe that is sharpened will do the trick. That shovel we used before to throw dirt on the fire, hold it parallel to the ground, and you now have a scraping tool. Chainsaws work wonders, but a hand saw, and a pair of loppers will handle small bushes and brush. A hatchet or fire axe can help clear small trees.

Your goal is to get down to mineral soil, and the width of the line needs to be one and one-half the height of the fuels. If you are cutting in grass that is a foot and a half tall, you need to make a line that is 3 feet wide. Always start and end at an anchor point. A road, trail, open dirt area, or body of water. The best practice for cutting the line is to space your crew a few feet apart so that swinging tools do not hit a team member. Each member will take a swipe and move forward along the line. As the team moves, each member is clearing more along the line.

Once the line is cut, and if you have time, you can backburn. This intentionally burns the material between your fire line and the main fire. The main fire will be intense and may make its own weather, causing high winds. Lighting a fire ahead of this will make the fire small and manageable. It will grow as it gets closer to the main fire, but at this point, it is within your control lines.

Anytime you are fighting bush fires, always have escape routes planned and made known by all members fighting the fire.

From my experience teaching a couple of the virtual classes for AFM, I have come to find out that you, like most firefighters, are extremely inventive. With the knowledge all the instructors provide, you find ways to make the resources you do have work. That’s what firefighting is.

Be safe!

Brad Fiore is a volunteer firefighter of Cottekill Volunteer Fire Company and former Fire Chief. He also has experience as a 911 dispatch supervisor. Brad has served as an instructor for AFM’s virtual firefighter trainings.

Improving Your Leadership Success

by F. R. Montes de Oca

Leading a team can be frustrating and often stressful, but at the same time very rewarding. As a student of leadership, these are several leadership tips that I’ve learned over the years. These will help guide you on your leadership journey.

Demonstrate consistency in all you do. Be consistent in the way you handle challenges, successes, and failures. Those who work for you and with you depend on your measured, predictable demeanor. Before making a hasty decision, think of the outcome and consequences.

Be trustworthy. Personal trust is like a bank account. It may take you time to build trust with someone but lie or do something deceitful and their trust in you rapidly drops.

Leaders stay resilient during moments of hardship.

During the darkest moments, resiliency can help one to survive and thrive. As a leader, you will experience tragedy, failure, and disappointment. The need to be resilient is most critical during times of tragedy such as the loss of a department member or the after-effects of mass violence. If you choose to lead, a deep reservoir of resilience will help in your survival and success.

Practice humility. Successful leaders know when to show a little humility – especially when it allows the team to share in the limelight.

A little confidence goes a long way. Working in a profession that recruits and trains strong-willed men and women, leaders are surrounded by extremely self-confident team members. During operations when life-and-death decisions are necessary for one’s survival, confidence is often key to a positive outcome. However, there are times when confidence can be mistaken for arrogance. A fine balance of confidence and humility is always helpful… and respected.  

Always practice honesty. Enjoy your accomplishments and leadership position. And within the role of your duties and interactions… be honest in all you do. In doing so, your influence builds other honest leaders.

Great leaders are great communicators. Practice communicating in your community!

Communicate every chance you get. The key to success as a leader is communicating to those who follow you and to those you follow. Make every effort to keep everyone on the same page so your team operates as a solid unit.

The moral of this story? 1) Learn from everyone. 2) Lead with your head and your heart. 3) Never demand more than you are willing to give.

Frank Montes de Oca served as a firefighter/paramedic for over 38 years attaining positions as Chief of EMS, Training Bureau Commander, and Chief of Department. He remains engaged in managing and developing firefighter safety programs and mentoring leaders.

Recognizing the 2024 Kenya Fire and EMS Symposium Award Winners

Recognizing the 2024 Kenya Fire and EMS Symposium Award Winners

In November, Africa Fire Mission worked with partners and collaborators around the world to hold the 2024 Kenya EMS and Fire Symposium and Competition. This Symposium featured firefighter and EMS trainings, leadership development, mental health awareness, community fire prevention trainings, and the signature EMS and Fire Competition. All of the classes were desinged to have immediate application for firefighters and EMS personel. AFM was espeically focused on leadership development in emergency services and the mental, physical, and spiritual wellness of first responders. AFM would like to recognize members of the fire service who are making a difference across Africa, as well as the award winners of the Fire and EMS Competition!

Hazmat Awareness

by Brad Banz

In our world, we are surrounded by chemicals. From the fuel we use to power our vehicles and cook our foods to the pesticides used to keep insects away from crops, chemicals are everywhere. Chemicals benefit all of us, unless they are used improperly or released from their containers when they shouldn’t be. That’s when they become hazardous materials. As first responders, all of us need to know how to recognize possible sources of hazardous materials and signs that a release has occurred.

I want to start by introducing some locations to be aware of that might have the presence of hazardous materials. As a first responder, it is important to be knowledgeable of your response area. If you are dispatched to a specific occupancy, you should have an idea they may have hazardous materials just by recognizing their name and address. Perhaps you may even know what types of materials are involved.  Chiefs and station officers, it’s your responsibility to preplan. Occupancies to watch for include factories, processing plants, warehouses, agriculture, transportation routes, and water treatment. These are not the only ones, but the most common. Sometimes potential hazardous materials at some of these occupancies may be identified by the type of manufacturing or processing they do. That’s why it’s important to preplan your area. Roads can even be preplanned by doing vehicle counts for container types and placard information at specific locations. Agriculture will have pesticides and herbicides, which are poisons. They will also have fertilizers and fuel. Water treatment facilities will have chlorine gas. 

Different kinds of vehicles may have different materials inside.

Sometimes large container shapes can help us determine what product type might be inside. At fixed facilities, there are several different types of tanks to be concerned about. A tank with rounded ends will contain liquified, compressed gas such as LPG. A spherical tank could contain the same products as well. Sloped roof tanks can contain liquids of any type. The occupancy type may help determine the type of product in the tank. Large, round tanks with a floating roof indicate petroleum storage. A cylindrical, vertical tank at a medical facility or manufacturing plant indicates a cryogenic such as oxygen or nitrogen.

Trailers with rounded ends indicate the presence of a liquified, compressed gas. An oblong-shaped trailer usually carries petrol, diesel, or jet fuel. Small diameter, tube shaped trailers with reinforcing rings and splash protection on top are indicators of an acid. Larger tanks with splash protection on top may contain combustible liquids, bases, toxic liquids, or waste material. 

Forms of non-bulk packaging you might see include drums, boxes, bags, carboys, bottles, and dewars. Drums can contain flammable, toxic, corrosive, and waste materials. Boxes can carry the same types of materials, as well as oxidizers, explosives, and radioactive materials. Bags will hold explosives, toxic materials, and fertilizers. Carboys and bottles can carry corrosives. Bottles will also hold toxic materials as well.  Dewars typically contain cryogenics. Labels and shipping papers are very important when attempting to identify contents in non-bulk packaging.

Senses are important in detecting a possible release. Hearing a boom, a hiss, or a loud roaring sound are all clues. Seeing sights such as a vapor cloud, liquid on the ground or water, dead fish, dead animals, or dead vegetation are indicators. If you smell a peculiar odor, it may be time to relocate.

I alluded to shipping papers and labeling earlier. Placarding and labeling on large and small containers are very important. They can have the 9 hazard classes, which can help guide you to initial actions.    Containers may have a 4-digit UN number. Shipping papers, such as manifests, are also very helpful because they will tell you exact product information. These can be found with a vehicle driver.

I would like to discuss the US DOT Guidebook briefly. The DOT Guidebook is a reference for first responders and is used as a guide for initial actions in a hazmat incident. It can be found in paperback form as well as online and in Google and iPhone apps. Products can be researched by container shape, hazard class, product name, or 4-digit UN number. Spill information, fire information, PPE information, first aid, and evacuation distances can all be found. The online address is: The app for Android phones is in the Google Playstore-ERG for Android. The app for iPhone is in the iPhone App Store-ERG for iOS.

Finally, if you have identified a hazmat release, I want to share some initial response actions. Your responsibility as a first responder is not to mitigate the incident but to help keep the public safe. To keep the public safe, you must stay safe. If you are responding in an outside area, approach the scene from an uphill and upwind direction if possible. In a building, stay out of the suspected area. Your responsibility is to secure the area. In an outside area, set a perimeter. A good starting point is 100 meters, although common sense must be exercised to either increase or decrease the size as necessary. If you have access to the Emergency Response Guide, use it as a reference to establish your perimeter. In a building, isolate the room or floor as necessary.  Inside your perimeter, make sure that all occupants are evacuated. It is also your responsibility to notify additional resources to help with the incident.

This is a very quick size-up of what any first responder should expect when assessing for a possible hazmat release. If you suspect a possible release, always be cautious about your size up and response. Thank you and stay safe out there.

Recently, Brad Banz led a virtual training session about Hazmat Awareness. If you would like to learn more about this topic, listen to the AFM virtual training session here. For additional virtual trainings, subscribe to our YouTube page and register for our virtual trainings today!

Brad Banz has been involved in the fire service for 40 years, serving with the Colwich Fire Department as a volunteer from age 20, including a 10 year term as Chief. Brad Banz has served with AFM on several mission trips.

The After-Action Review

by Nicholas J. Higgins

The size-up is, for all intents and purposes, our game plan or battle plan against the structure we are working at. The size-up is where firefighters and fire officers gather information in order to make safe, efficient, and effective fire ground decisions. Fire ground decision making, as we know, is meant to be quick, with an emphasis on safety and ensuring the tactics are done efficiently and effectively.

One aspect we do not stress enough is the fact we do not take into account the culmination of the incident. After fire command is terminated and all units are back in quarters and in service, we must remember the pre-planning is not over just because we cleared the incident and everyone is back in the station and safe. This is where the add-value work is put into place and now it is time for the after-action review or post-incident size-up.

Firefighters review a building’s fire prevention equipment

After-Action Review

During the after-action review (AAR), firefighters and fire officers can discuss and share information obtained from the alarm and also discuss the success and failures they have experienced during the incident. This is a time to ask a few questions:

• What did we expect to happen?

• What actually occurred?

• What went well and why?

• What can we improve upon and how?

The benefit of asking these questions allow for strengths to be easily identifiable, making it easier to uncover areas of weakness. By uncovering areas of weakness, you can develop ways to improve them!

If you do not identify what went wrong, how could you ever expect to improve? On the contrary, if you do not understand what went right and why, duplicating that same success in the future will not be easy. Ensure necessary changes discussed in the AAR are implemented sooner than later, as the longer it is on hold, the likelihood of any changes being implemented diminishes. 

The size-up as a whole is a valuable step by step process for all firefighters to obtain knowledge of their response district, riding assignments, and strategy and tactic implementation. By beginning this process, formally or informally, it will allow for continual growth for each firefighter and fire officer. The key to success as an individual and team is to get ahead of the game and prevent ourselves from being reactive, rather proactive.

Until next time, work hard, stay safe & live inspired.

Nicholas J. Higgins is a firefighter and district training officer for Piscataway Fire District #2 in Piscataway, New Jersey. He is a New Jersey State Level 2 Fire Instructor, a National Fallen Firefighters Foundation state advocate, and a member of the Board of Directors for the 5-Alarm Task Force—a 501 (c) (3), non-profit organization. Nick is also the founder and a contributor of The Firehouse Tribune website and has spoken at various fire departments and fire conferences nationwide. He is the author of both “The 5-Tool Firefighter,” a book that helps firefighters perform at their highest level and the companion book, “The 5-Tool Firefighter Tactical Workbook” along with being the host of “The 5-Tool Firefighter Podcast”.

Impacting Thousands - Stories from Kenya, September 2024

Impacting Thousands - Stories from Kenya, September 2024

In September 2024, members of the AFM team travelled to Kenya on a Mission Trip. The goal of this trip was to teach fire prevention lessons to children, teachers, and other community members across Nairobi, Kenya. In just ten days, over 20,000 individuals were taught potentially life-saving fire prevention lessons and tips.

AFM Receives Grant from the LION Foundation

AFM Receives Grant from the LION Foundation

Having a full-time employee in Africa has allowed AFM to connect with communities and pursue our mission in an exciting new way. Now, we are delighted to announce that LION has renewed its commitment to fire services in Africa and community fire prevention through a grant that will provide initial funding for us to employ an additional full-time Fire Safety Advocate in Africa!

Facing Electrical Issues

by Brad Banz

As firefighters, we respond to a wide variety of scenarios involving electrical hazards. Immediately, downed lines calls come to mind to most responders because of the obvious hazards they pose. In this article, I would like to discuss other types of incidents in which electrical hazards could be encountered and address our response as first responders.

Since I started the conversation by bringing up the topic of downed electrical lines, what should you do if you encounter such a situation? As in many other emergency situations, your job is to secure the area and keep people out. Electrical lines can carry many thousands of volts of electricity, with cross-country transmission lines carrying up to 345,000 volts. What does that mean to you? That means that you don't have to be in contact with the line for an electrical path to be established. Electricity from energized high voltage lines can jump several meters to things such as ladders if they are establishing a path to ground. The area around an energized downed line can also form a ground gradient, an area which is energized, and which will still be a shocking hazard.  That's why it's important to secure the area in between poles and keep all ladders a minimum of 3 meters away from energized lines. Treat all lines as energized. Also have the contact number available for your local electrical utility so they can be notified of the situation. If electrical lines are downed across vehicles, have the passengers jump to become free from the vehicle if they can do so. If they cannot, then make them stay in the vehicle until the electrical lines have been shut off by the electrical utility. 

Structure fires are another common instance when electricity can be an issue. While electrical service may not always be involved in the fire, regardless of cause, it's a good idea to secure electrical power to ensure that it doesn't become a hazard. Electrical power can usually be secured by turning it off at a circuit breaker if safe to do so. If electrical service is a major issue, the electrical utility must be notified so they can secure power outside the structure. The utility company should also be notified in areas such as informal settlements where illegal wiring arrangements are involved. The illegal wiring can be dangerous, especially with the iron sheet construction of many of these homes. Finally, one last consideration is hidden fire. If you have an electrical fire, or suspected electrical in wiring, open the wall up. 

Many machines, especially in industrial settings, use lots of electrical power. Many times, an electrical fire or smoldering electrical fire can be controlled by simply securing electrical power to the machine. Even if the machine has any fire involvement at all not involving the electrical systems, it's still good to secure power. If power cannot be secured, a powder extinguisher suitable for electrical fires should be used. One set of machines in which powder should not be used on are computers or other types of electronics. Many computer centers have their own halon extinguishing systems. CO2 extinguishers are the preferred agent for use on computers and electronics. 

While there are other electrical issues that you as a first responder may run across during your career, I tried to come up with the ones that you would be most likely to come across. I hope that everyone has gained something from this article. As always, stay safe out there.   

Brad Banz has been involved in the fire

service for 40 years, serving with the Colwich

Fire Department as a volunteer from age 20,

including a 10 year term as Chief. Brad Banz

has served with AFM on several mission trips.

SLICE-RS, a Modern Approach to Fire Attack

SLICE-RS, a Modern Approach to Fire Attack

Acronyms are a common tool used in the fire service as an easy way to remember the proper steps to take in high pressure environment like a structure fire. Today we will look at the SLICE-RS acronym, developed by Assistant Fire Chief Eddie Buchanan, retired, of Hanover Fire-EMS (USA). This system was designed after extensive scientific studies of fire dynamics were conducted in the United States. Many of the things learned from these studies went against the traditional firefighting tactics in the US. The big takeaway from this method is: Everything gets better, for us and any possible victims inside, the quicker we get water on the fire.

Serving In Nigeria with FCT Fire Service and IHVN

It was great to be back in Abuja, Nigeria in January and early February!

An AFM team of six provided training to FCT firefighters, IHVN staff and partners from the “Committee of Stakeholders on the General Safety & Security of Cadastral Zone C00 Abuja FCT.” The training allowed the AFM team to assess the capabilities of the firefighters as well as gain a better understanding of the community’s perspective of firefighters. Training for the FCT Fire Service focused on enhancing fire response capabilities, promoting utilization of available equipment and tools for firefighting, and enhancing community awareness.

Team member Mike Kull elaborated that “we were able to provide quality training on a wide variety of topics - Breathing Apparatus, Ladders, Hose Drills - Firefighters from FCT Fire Service were eager to learn and we expect to see rapid and positive results from this training. We realize that development is a slow process but we have high hopes for the firefighters here in Nigeria.”

Head of Operations, FCT Fire Service, Engr. Adesina Abioye, stated that the training has updated Fire Service Staff with modern professional ways of rescue and firefighting, and served as a refresher course on fire prevention and administration for the Senior Staff who participated. “The importance of the partnership cannot be overemphasized; it has brought tremendous benefits to the partners and the stakeholders community. What would have cost the FCT administration a huge sum of money was made available at no cost due to partnership,” he said.

AFM also conducted a needs assessment to identify tools and equipment needed to further develop the FCT Fire Service and donated firefighting equipment. This equipment included firefighting coats, boots, gloves, suspenders and helmets for enhanced effectiveness in responding to fire incidents and saving lives, property, and critical infrastructure.

We are grateful that IHVN is committed to collaborating with FCT Fire Service to enhance the capabilities of the fire service and look forward to continued collaboration in Nigeria.

Growing Community Fire Prevention Programs

Growing Community Fire Prevention Programs - AFM’s first annual Fire Prevention Competition!

January 1, 2023

by: Nancy L. Moore, Executive Director

When my husband, Dave, and I arrived in Nairobi, Kenya in 2012 we immediately began to see the dangers of fires that are a reality of life in Africa. When we learned in 2014 that many firefighters in Zambia didn’t know the basics of fire prevention and fire safety we knew we had to do something.

From our partners at Missions of Hope International and CMF International we learned about Community Health Evangelism or Community Health Education and realized that there was very little education for developing communities on fire prevention and fire safety. So we worked together with firefighters in Africa, community members in Kenya and AFM’s American firefighter volunteers to develop a curriculum that would be culturally appropriate for developing communities.

We have trained thousands of firefighters and community volunteers in using our curriculum and have been able to track results as fire services in Africa report that communities that have received training call the fire brigade sooner in cases of fire outbreaks and that they have a better understanding of how the fire service works and what firefighters need from the community in order to do their job. In 2022, firefighters and community volunteers reported more than 520,000 people were educated in fire prevention and fire safety through training activities, community walks and fire prevention week activities. Through public television and radio more than 13 million people were received life saving fire safety education.

With more than 1 billion people in Sub-Saharan Africa - there are many more people to reach with these important life safety lessons.

In 2023 AFM has launched an initiative to reach more people by encouraging training and reporting that training through our first annual Fire Prevention Competition. We will have 4 categories for participation:

  • Individual Volunteer - someone who is not paid for trainings that they are providing.

  • Individual Paid - someone doing this as a part of their job, in the fire service, private or public sector.

  • Fire Brigade (paid firefighters this could be a recognition for the whole fire department what they submit across all shifts, etc).

  • Groups- organization or informal group (this could be firefighters or community members that are not getting paid to do the trainings and are doing it on their own time)

Trainings reported and taking place from November 20, 2022- November 1, 2023 will be considered. For the competition, trainings must take place in Africa. Participants in the competition may use the Africa Fire Mission curriculum as a guide for what training content to include:

The requirements to be considered include:

  1. Submit training documentation to Africa Fire Mission via this form:

  2. Submit pictures of the training to

Submission reviews to determine winners of the competition:

  • Africa Fire Mission will review the all of the submitted training reports for quality of training as well as number of persons trained.

  • Training photos will also be reviewed and AFM should be able to tell what content is being taught through the photos evidence.

  • Trainings may be done formally (for instance a classroom setting or community gathering) or informally community walk, media interviews)

Winners will be announced at the closing of the Kenya Fire EMS Symposium and Competition 2023, in Nairobi, Kenya, November 2023. Winners will also receive recognition on AFM social media and AFM’s monthly newsletter. A certificate will be issued to the winners as well as a gift (yet to be determined).

Please note: Individuals training together are considered a group, please have one person from the group submit the reports and list the name of the group with the training report. Duplicate trainings will be combined as one training report. If there are participants from multiple countries, awards may be issued by country. AFM staff will not be considered as part of the competition. AFM holds the full decision making over the winners of the competition.

Fire Prevention Activities Grow in Kenya

When Dave and Nancy , Co-Founders of Africa Fire Mission, went to Kenya in November 2012. One of the things that surprised them was the lack of knowledge around fire prevention and fire safety. In the US, children start to learn about fire safety in Pre-School and fire prevention messages and what to do in case of fire are integrated into school and work for many Americans. In most of Africa we have learned that there is very little education around fire prevention or fire safety.

As soon as Dave saw the gap he invited the Nairobi Fire Service to come to Missions of Hope International (AFM’s first partner) to teach the teachers a little about fire prevention. Stop, Drop and Roll, Crawling Under Smoke (Get Low and Get Out), how to call the fire department and how to use a fire extinguisher were among the first lessons taught. That first fire prevention session in Nairobi had about 30 participants - since then AFM has been growing our fire prevention program through curriculum and a train the trainer model through CHE (Community Health Education).

This October, Kenya participated in Fire Prevention week - at least 10 counties participated and more than 40,000 individuals received direct training in fire prevention! Children and adults conducted fire drills in their schools and businesses. Firefighters went into their communities and shared safety messages in churches, schools, businesses and anywhere that people gathered!

Indirectly, the impact was pretty great too! There were walks to raise awareness and media campaigns to share the work! Millions were impacted indirectly through these collaborations!

At Africa Fire Mission we are committed to continue to increase the impact of fire prevention and safety to save lives! It is important to our mission just as training firefighters. Our curriculum is available for free on our website - check it out here: Fire Safety Curriculum and we’d love for those using our curriculum to report their training experiences here: Report

To all the firefighters in Kenya that are spreading the message of fire safety - Asante Sana (thank you!) We can’t want to see the multiplication continue in Kenya and across all of Africa!

Wildfire Preparedness Starts at Home


by Josh Bardwell

Texas A&M Forest Service Regional Fire Coordinator; West Mountain Volunteer Fire Department Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician

Wildfires occur on almost all of Earth’s continents (with the exception of Antarctica) affecting people no matter their culture, language, and social status. With humans living in rural and interface areas where wildfires occur, it is not a matter of if, but when the need to be prepared will be tested.

Firefighters can have all the funding, water, training and staffing in the world, but still encounter challenges with preserving life and property from wildfires. Unlike a structure fire or rubbish fire relegated to a specific area and under limited environmental effects, wildfires can have unlimited fuel and oxygen which can cause them to grow large and move under their own weather which can be challenging to combat. Firefighters stand a better chance of saving lives and property when the public has made the effort well in advance of a fire even occurring. Prevention and preparedness programs are critical to educating and encouraging the public to take some responsibility in being part of the wildfire solution. Preventing fires is critical, but the public’s knowledge and ability to make their homes and communities less susceptible to wildfire damage is equally crucial.

Basic things that can be done now can make all the difference in the world.

·      Create defensible space around homes/buildings

·      Use fire resistant construction

·      Improve access for emergency responders

·      Have an action plan: 


Sometimes it takes a friendly face or mascot for people to form an emotional bond with, which helps get the message across. In 1944, the United States Forest Service created the beloved Smokey Bear as a charismatic mascot that captured the attention of children and adults. His message has had minor verbiage changes over the years but nearly every American adult and child can recite his motto of “Only YOU can prevent wildfires.” Smokey Bear’s website is chocked full of wildfire prevention and safety tips for adults and children that is pertinent to people globally:

As firefighters, we are mission driven to put fires out and save the day, but we must recognize our limitations. In my area of rural East Texas, 90% of our firefighters are volunteers and the expectations of the public we serve expect prompt and professional service. In order to maximize our effectiveness, we have to engage our communities with education and resources. 

The better prepared the residents of our community are before a wildfire occurs, the better our chances of success in combating a wildfire are with minimizing losses. When the community takes a proactive approach to wildfire mitigation and personal planning, the more effective we all are a cohesive team!

Using Good Fire to Improve Ecology and Reduce Hazard Fuels

By Jonathan Thomas

Jonathan is an AFM volunteer instructor and most recently participated in #afmvirtual2020; is works for the U.S Forest Service as a Wildlife Biologist


Wildfires do more than threaten our communities, destroy crops, and run-away wildlife, which might supplement some of our food, the fires help the ecology.   Over the many years before we began to strive diligently to stop wildfires from burning up our resources and threatening our homes, fires burned of a large area of the landscaped uncheck by nothing but nature.  These fires often during high periods of fire danger were not as destructive as we see in fires today. The reason fires then were so less destructive was due to the frequent burning that was happening, these fires continually burned up the hazard fuels allowing both fresh undergrowth to come back and be nurtured on the fresh ash.  The fires then before we humans decided to stop the natural wildfires were often less destructive and lead to a healthier ecosystem.    Well let us step into today and talk wildfires today.  Today wildfires are extremely more destructive and growing into the megafires of the past, despite us, firefighters’ best efforts.  The reason for this is due in no small part to hazard fuel build up across the landscape.   I remember the old saying in the United States, “Keep em’ Small, and catch them in 24.”   The saying often used around my agency was meant to keep a fire as small as possible and do our best to have contained the fire in 24 hours.  This philosophy, although going out the door by the time I started, was what lead to our problems, but the agency decided to help solve this huge buildup of hazard fuels and to improve ecology by putting needed fire back on the ground.   

Here is what presents it problem how to put fire on the ground to improve ecology.  To address this issue the fire staff looks at the multiple factors on where and when to put fire on the ground.   First is to find a place that needs hazard fuel reduction and some burning to help improve ecology, (Ask any farmer as they burn their fields to improve production) once an area is determined the fire staff generally starts building control lines same as a wildfire, except they work to exclude infrastructure and any ecological sensitive areas from the fire.  After that the fire staff has to go out and watch the weather, do determine the best time to burn, when fuel conditions provide the best opportunity to maintain control over the fire while also allowing the fire to consume the fuel build up. 

Then comes the impact from the prescribed fire to the local community and to the people working the fire.  The community must be informed of what is happening and why, as seeing smoke start popping up can cause panic.  Also the folks on the ground need both training and a understanding of the different aspects of everything happening that day, from ignition patterns, weather information, safety zones, pressure lines, holding forces, and who and where everyone is along with their role on the fire.   

Successful prescribed fires bring good fire back on the landscape by reducing fuel buildup all while improving the ecology of an area.  Studies and experience have shown that good fires slow or stop the bad fires that we are all used to trying to stop.  Good fire also renews the ecosystem and allows for it’s dead and down to be returned to the soil to promote fresh new vegetation that improves the ecosystem.  Good fire is something we must look into not only to help the ecosystem dependent on natural fires to return nutrients to the soil and clear away old build up but also to reduce hazard fuels making firefighters and communities safer.   

Volunteer Highlight - Cyrus Kalemunguruk

By José Ngunjiri, AFM Fire Safety Advocate, Nairobi, Kenya

The late Elbert Hubbard used to say: “if you want anything done, asks a busy man to do it.” Cyrus Kalemunguruk is that man. Selfless, dedicated and loves to serve God’s people. Cyrus is among the instructors who took me under their wing when I was in fire training school and trained me to be a firefighter. 

In December 2020, Cyrus agreed to volunteer his time to support Africa Fire Mission as we worked to advance firefighter trainings on how to conduct basic community fire prevention sessions. (crawling under smoke, stop drop and roll, calling the fire brigade amongst other lessons) Check out AFM’s fire prevention curriculum  

Cyrus was a true teammate.   He provided instruction in a professional manner and his contribution will be contributing to the fire service in Africa for years to come. 

During the training, a fire call came in and we were asked to join the firefighters who were on duty. It had been a long time since I rode in a fire truck. Cyrus sprung up and become the mentor I relied on in school. He reminded me to buckle up, to check the breathing apparatus and also to follow his instructions as soon as we reached the fire scene. It was a tough call. However, the calmness of Cyrus Kalemunguruk made me work with ease. 

Working with volunteer Cyrus is always an awesome experience. Thank you Cyrus for volunteering!

AFM continues to grow dedicated volunteers to serve!!! If you are interested in volunteering in your community, contact your local fire brigade.


AFM Receives Motorola Solutions Foundation Grant

Africa Fire Mission Receives Motorola Solutions Foundation Grant

October 15, 2020

We are pleased to announce that Africa Fire Mission has received a grant from the Motorola Solutions Foundation, the charitable arm of Motorola Solutions. Through the grant, Africa Fire Mission will continue training efforts across Africa with fire training symposiums aimed at increasing the capacity of the fire service in Africa.

AFM’s Executive Director Dave Moore is grateful for this grant award “This funding will allow us to increase firefighter education and knowledge in several developing countries; and in addition to our traditional programs we will be able to focus on COVID 19 prevention as well. Many of our programs have transitioned to virtual due to the global pandemic, so this funding could not have come at a better time to help support these important programs in a virtual format.”

The Motorola Solutions Foundation awards grants each year to organizations, such as Africa Fire Mission, that support and advance education initiatives in public safety and technology and engineering. Additionally, the Foundation has a long-standing commitment to supporting programs that benefit underrepresented populations, including females, people of color, people with disabilities, veterans and others.

“This year, the Foundation’s grants will support programs that help millions of students, teachers, first responders and community members around the globe,” said Karem Perez, executive director of the Motorola Solutions Foundation. “We are thrilled to partner with organizations like Africa Fire Mission that are actively making a positive difference in their communities.”

About the Motorola Solutions Foundation

The Motorola Solutions Foundation is the charitable and philanthropic arm of Motorola Solutions. With employees located around the globe, Motorola Solutions seeks to benefit the communities where it operates. The Foundation achieves this by making strategic grants, forging strong community partnerships and fostering innovation. The Motorola Solutions Foundation prioritizes its funding on public safety education, technology & engineering education, disaster relief, and employee volunteerism. For more information on Motorola Solutions corporate and foundation giving, visit our website:

About Africa Fire Mission

Africa Fire Mission is a 501(c)(3) committed to increasing the sustainable capacity of fire department in developing communities. We accomplish this through training, empowerment, support and encouragement.  Africa Fire Mission leverages our knowledge of the fire service, non-profits, humanitarian development, social justice, public administration, and social work to create unique and innovative transformation in the fire services and communities where we are working. For more information on Africa Fire Mission visit our webpage

Kenyan First Responders join hands with communities to educate about menstrual hygiene.

Persisting taboos and stigma around matters concerning menstrual hygiene are prone in girls across the world. Girls are forced to stay at home for the days they are experiencing their flows because they are either not provided the sanitary towels or their parents cannot afford the basic items to continue normally with their daily chores. During the time they are going through their monthly flow, they are either locked in their rooms without any know how on how they should deal when nature calls, or told to stay in the house with no movement outside.

A group of older girls in Kenya East of Nairobi called “Marafiki Drive”, who have a heart of the girl child, and know girls who undergo such challenges, approached first responders, to come participate in distributing hygiene products to the girls. This was in line in celebration of the World Menstrual Hygiene day held every year on the 28th May 2020. On analyzing the opportunity, I thought this was a great opening for firefighters to reach out to the girls with knowledge of extinguishing fire, evacuating the house and calling the fire brigade for help when an emergency situation presents itself. This move was necessary considering the girls are usually home alone. During this time, the girl is in pain and may forget to turn off a stove or to put out a candle while they take a nap.

Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians from around Kenya rallied together to give in cash or kind donations to make a difference in girl child’s life. We managed to raise more than 10,000 Kenya Shillings ($100USD) and AFM and Missions of Hope International printed 200 flyers with emergency numbers with instructions on how to put out different types of fires inside the homes. Through that reach out program, we got to connect with 314 girls  and distributed three packs of Sanitary towels to each girl containing twenty four pads that will last them for two months if they are having a normal flow. 

As first responders, we are very grateful to have participated in the event and are looking forward to the next event in order to partner with communities and increase their quality of life and connection with the fire service.

Firefighter community outreach - International Firefighters Day 2020

Firefighters in many parts of Africa are disrespected by their communities. Community members don’t understand them and will often throw stones at the firefighters when they arrive on fire and rescue scenes. Firefighters are frequently injured and equipment severely damaged. Yet firefighters continue to respond to serve their communities. In Kenya, firefighters have been working hard to educate their communities about how to prevent fires and how to respond to fires (things like knowing to call the fire brigade and knowing the number to call).

In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic a group of career and volunteer firefighters decided to celebrate International Firefighters Day (May 4th) by reaching out to a slum community - their goal was to build relationships between the firefighters and the community.

On May 9, 2020, a group of 18 firefighters and 12 community volunteers (from Jiamini Self Help group) collaborated with the Kiambu Fire Brigade in Thika to fumigate the Kiandutu slums with COVID eradication solution and spray bedbug eradication solution in homes. The firefighters and volunteers reached 15,000 people and were able to share life saving fire safety information!

This event was fully supported by the firefighters - the firefighters contributed their own time, talents and finances to the event. As others saw their commitment, the Kiambu County Government and other people and organizations got involved too. Firefighters across Kenya those employed and volunteering, contributed money to purchase bedbug killer. The Kiambu Public Health department provided COVID-19 fumigation solution that cleans the streets and the Kiambu Public Works who offered mist generator, fire truck and a utility pickup to transport the tools of trade to the activity area. Missions of Hope International provided supplies for the event as well.

This activity may be the first of many in this area as the community is excited to learn more about the fire service after these acts of kindness. It is a great example of community driven development and how AFM’s CHE model can be put into action by the fire service. Much can be done with little to improve the fire service in Africa and the communities around them. What can you do to improve your own community?