by Wesley Richmond
In September 2024, members of the AFM team travelled to Kenya on a Mission Trip. The goal of this trip was to teach fire prevention lessons to children, teachers, and other community members across Nairobi, Kenya. In just ten days, over 20,000 individuals were taught potentially life-saving fire prevention lessons and tips.
This incredible impact was possible with the collaboration of Missions of Hope International, as well as three firefighter interns. These interns assisted the AFM team across Kenya and were able to gain valuable practice in fire-prevention training and leadership.
Our intern initiative arrives at a critical time after several deadly fires in Kenyan schools. José Ngunjiri, AFM’s Fire Safety Officer who was present during these trainings, writes, “The volunteer interns are having a chance to get hands-on experience and contribute towards life saving efforts of school evacuations. We acknowledge the recent tragic school fires in Kenya, which have deeply affected many families and communities.”
An important part of our mission is empowering communities across Africa. This training has empowered firefighters in Kenya with the training they need to become the next leaders in fire safety and save lives during emergencies. We are grateful for the work these volunteers do, and are thankful for the leadership of firefighters in Kenya.
AFM team members with three volunteer firefighter interns.
The AFM team and firefighter interns traveled to twenty different schools and conducted fire safety assessments and evacuation drills. For some of the schools that AFM visited, this Mission Trip served as their first assessment and evacuation drill.
School children, teachers and staff participated in fire evacuations and received additional fire training from our team. Mike Kull, AFM’s Program’s Director who was present during these trainings, writes that, “One of our visions is to see replication not only in other schools but also for the children to go home and talk to their families and neighbors about fire safety.” This replication is another valuable way to empower communities and spread awareness within communities.
Along with this replication, this Mission Trip served as a way to build excitement in the topic of fire prevention. Children were excited to learn more and practice these skills. This enthusiasm adds up to change lives over time.
MOHI students receiving instruction from AFM.
AFM’s Mission Trip to Kenya this September was overwhelmingly successful. Twenty schools were visited, three firefighter interns received extensive hands-on training, and over 20,000 children, teachers, and staff were reached.
Here are a few more words from Mike Kull about this incredible impact:
“We’ve finished our mission work for this trip. I’ve become a bit obsessed with the numbers. Our final count of learners reached is 19,043. This doesn’t include the adults on staff and teachers that also received our fire safety message. If we were to include everyone we reached with our message this week we are at over 20,000. I’m so proud of this team and I can’t wait to hear about what kind of replication comes from our first internship program.”
“This week has been so impactful for me. We’ve spent so much time in these communities and it gives me so much to reflect and pray on. I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to help carry out this important work.”
Mike Kull with the firefighter interns.
AFM’s incredible impact is possible because of the support we receive. Please consider making a recurring donation today. You can also support AFM by joining us at our signature fundraising event, the Chama! This event will take place on October 12, 2024 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Interested in making an impact? Join the AFM team on a Mission Trip! Travel to Africa and help us train, empower, support, and encourage the fire service around the world.