
Making an Impact - Stories from Malawi 2024

by Wesley Richmond

In June 2024, Africa Fire Mission had a team travel to several areas across Malawi to assist in firefighter training including community fire prevention training and fire safety instruction. AFM’s commitment to the fire service across Africa has a clear and powerful impact on many people. On this trip, our team members were fortunate to connect with many new people and see the impact our organization has around the world.

Africa Fire Mission’s Program’s Director Mike Kull traveled to Malawi on this trip and saw Africa Fire Mission’s impact in many special ways. Here’s a story in Mike’s words that demonstrates the profound way AFM is impacting people:

“Today was another great day in Africa. We conducted more training and our team has really observed some big steps forward. We are observing the firefighters taking ownership of what we are teaching. 

As happens sometimes, what we had planned and what we did ended up being very different but we have still found success. This year we have the honor of working with a team from the Malawi Defense Force's Airbase here in Zomba. This is our first time working with them and it has been a pleasure. 

We had two really big wins today. The first involved our new friends in the Malawi Defense Force. Yesterday, we taught a different way to deploy the fire hose than is commonly used here. We've taught the same technique a few times in the past, but it hasn't quite taken hold yet. In Blantyre last week, they finally adopted the technique after three years. This was the first time the Defense Force firefighters saw the technique. When we saw their Fire Engine today we observed that they had already switched some of their hose to that style. That was huge step forward in modern firefighting techniques and the team was excited to see the training put immediately into use. 

Our other big win today happened while we were out doing some hands on Bush Fire training. Back home we would call it Wildland Firefighting and it is one of my favorite topics to teach. The win wasn't related to bush fires though. We were out on a narrow road in the bush cutting some fire lines. The road was so narrow the fire trucks had the road partially blocked. After we had wrapped up the training we were still in the roadway. A school bus came along filled with children and when it squeezed around us, the children started shouting, ‘Thomas! Thomas!’ The children recognized one of the firefighters from the fire prevention presentation at their school and they remembered his name. While the firefighters here are usually disrespected by the people, here we saw children who were excited to see their ‘firefighter friend.’ 

Thomas greeting a group of students

These are just two examples of how we are making an impact by walking side by side with the local firefighters, supporting them, encouraging them, empowering them and training them.”

Africa Fire Mission is committed to making stories like this happen in Malawi and across all of Africa. If you are interested in supporting AFM, you can make a one-time donation here. When you donate to Africa Fire Mission, we immediately put your generosity to work.

Africa Fire Mission at the Inaugural World Fire Congress

by Wesley Richmond

From May 7-8, 2024, delegates from over fifty countries gathered in Washington, DC, USA for the inaugural World Fire Congress. This historic event was established by the US Fire Administration with many other partners to connect the fire service around the world and offer an opportunity to strengthen and empower firefighters and their communities. Members of the Africa Fire Mission team were present during the congress and helped to ensure that representatives from Africa were invited as delegates.

The first day of the Congress was dedicated to two challenges: structural fires and safe responses to them, and the impact of climate change. The second day of the Congress focused on emerging technology and firefighter health and safety. As a result of the Congress, communities of practice will be established that will focus internationally on the four challenges and create strategies for addressing them.

The World Fire Congress will meet every two years. AFM is proud to support this event and we’re excited to meet with the Congress again in 2026! Africa Fire Mission team members will be present to help ensure that the challenges that many fire services in Africa experience are represented and supported. We’re anticipating more countries participating from Africa at the next World Fire Congress and we look forward to African countries engaging in the communities of practice.

Africa Fire Mission at FDIC International 2024

by Wesley Richmond

Africa Fire Mission attended FDIC International this year! The Fire Department Instructors Conference is one of the largest firefighting conferences in the world and it gave our team members a great opportunity to network with members of the fire service community. Our team had a busy week connecting with organizations and collecting gear donations. We’re grateful for all the wonderful people we were able to connect with!

On Friday, April 19th, Africa Fire Mission received the ISFSI Impact Award for our training and instruction in Africa. Executive Director Nancy Moore and Founder Chief David Moore were both present to receive the award.

We were also recognized throughout the convention with signage. Special thanks CarbonX for partnering with us and donating used fire hoods.

It was great to see AFM instructors at FDIC! We appreciate the continued support and look forward to attending FDIC in the years to come.

Firefighter Physical Fitness

By: Howard Cohen

I am not fitness trainer.  I am not an athlete.  I have not participated in any sort of organized competitive sport for nearly forty years.  I am just a person who unabashedly believes in the importance of physical fitness for everyone, but especially firefighters.


With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s face it:  firefighting is a dangerous and physically demanding job.  Firefighters operate in harsh and challenging environments, use heavy, hard to handle tools, and wear many kilos of protective gear.  To successfully do our jobs we need to keep ourselves in great shape.  This means that we must take care of ourselves through proper nutrition and hydration, physical exercise, and sufficient rest. This is what is minimally required to properly and safely perform our jobs.


If you stop and think about it, what is the one “tool” every firefighter uses at every call? It’s our body.  We depend on our bodies for all aspects of firefighting.  In this sense, fire fighters are like elite athletes.  While we may not have to jump, sprint or throw a ball, we are, however, often required to crawl, drag or haul awkward shaped heavy objects in extreme heat conditions that greatly tax our cardio vascular systems. But there are important differences too.  Elite athletes generally perform under optimal conditions. Firefighters respond to calls during the worse weather conditions. Elite athletes typically get a good night’s sleep before their big events. First responders are often woken up multiple times during the night.  Elite athletes eat a well balanced meal with regard to their upcoming sporting event.  First responders meals are often rushed, gobbled on the run or interrupted by calls.  However, the biggest difference is that for elite athletes it is all about winning or losing.  For firefighters, what’s on the line is often life or death; your’s, your fellow firefighter’s or a civilian’s.


The good news is that achieving a firefighter operational level of physical fitness is not hard. However, it does require a commitment to exercise regularly.  There are many great ways to hone your fitness level.  If you have access to youtube, search for a type of workout that appeals to you. You will discover many free options to choose from.  Ideally, your workouts will include strength training with weights or whatever heavy objects you have available to you and cardiovascular exercises, such as lunges, jumping jacks, running, climbing stairs, or any activity that gets your heart rate up. You don’t need a specific or fancy program to get in good workouts.  All you need is to make a personal commitment to move your body and get your heart pumping.  Any well rounded program will benefit you in all aspects of fitness.


There are no downsides to exercise and being physically fit, period.  Physical fitness has been shown to prevent or treat many chronic health conditions brought on by unhealthy lifestyles, it even counter acts some of the aging process.  Studies indicate that exercising regularly builds up a stronger heart and along with a healthy diet, can even reduce the risk of cancer and boost one’s immune system.  Being physically fit also helps to reduce injuries that can keep you from working.  Sometimes firefighters forget that physical fitness involves more than just working out. It also includes taking care of your body by eating well, keeping yourself well-hydrated, getting sufficient sleep, and avoiding or limiting ingesting harmful chemicals, such as alcohol, recreational drugs, or tobacco. 


The biggest obstacle to sticking with a fitness plan is boredom.  Therefore it is important for you find or create a routine that holds your interest.  Mix it up too.  Don’t do the same workout day after day.  Workout with a friend or your other brigade crew members.  Make it fun.  To the extent that your schedule permits, it is also helpful to make your fitness program a fixed and regular part of your daily routine.  Some people like to get their workouts in early in the morning.  This way no matter how the rest of the day unfolds it’s a good day because you got your workout in.  Other people like to workout at the end of the day.  This way they figure, no matter what kind of day they had they have something to look forward.  Personally, I get my workout in every morning after having two cups of black tea and reading the headlines in the paper. After my workout I’m ready for whatever is coming my way.


In conclusion, the purpose of this article is to inspire you to find and commit to a personal fitness program that excites and motivates you.  Honor your body.  After all, it is the home of your holy soul.  Now get moving and get your heart pumping!


Bio: Howard retired from the Bennington Fire Dept as a deputy chief.  He spends a lot of time writing and teaching various aspects of firefighting.  He religiously works out every morning, doing a mix of high intensity interval training (HiiT), dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells and cycling. When he is not doing something for the fire service or working out he is the rabbi of two small congregations.